• Bangladeshi VISA

    Obtaining a work permit in Bangladesh :

    Obtaining a work permit in Bangladesh is perhaps the most convenient and most rewarding way for the enchanted visitor to enjoy the country's many promising attractions while immersing into the exotic and opulent Bangla culture without worrying much about a visa or time. A work permit allows you to work and operate business in Thailand as a skilled professional or even as an employer. The work permit is required in order to be able to work legally in Bangladesh. Working without a Bangladeshi work permit might cause severe consequences.

    Employment Guidelines :

    • Foreign nationals
      Nationals of countries recognized by Bangladesh are considered for employment.

    • Area of work
      Employment of expatriate personnel will be considered only in industrial/commercial establishments which are sanctioned/registered by the appropriate authority.

    • Scope of work
      Employment of foreign nationals is normally considered for the job for which local experts/technicians are not available.

    • Age Restrictions
      Persons below 18 years of age are not eligible for employment.

    • Approval from BoD
      A decision of the board of directors of the concerned company for new employment/employment extension is to be furnished in each case.

    • Employment Quota
      The number of foreign employees should not exceed 5% in the industrial sector and 20% in commercial sector of the total employees, including top management personnel.

    • Terms of Services
      Initially employment of any foreign national is considered for a term of two years, which may be extended on the basis of merit of the case.

    • Security Clearance
      Ministry of Home Affairs will issue necessary security clearance certificate.